Application Tips

Are you ready? Get set and apply!

在填写ApplyTexas申请表时,您可能会遇到一些问题. 我们从学生那里收集了一些最常见的问题,并创建了一个指南来帮助你完成这个过程.


What you need to know

  • County of residence (e.g. 如果你住在圣安东尼奥,你的县是贝尔县。

  • 如果您持有签证,请填写您的签证类型或永久居留外国人号码

  • 你的社会安全号码,用来申请经济援助

  • Your personal email address

  • Your full legal name
    (Hint: Use the same name on every document you sign or form you fill out, 包括ApplyTexas和联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA),以避免处理延误).

You'll also need to know your student type. Not sure? Here is some information to guide you.


Have Never Attended College

High School Graduate
  • 在进入大学之前,你已经从高中毕业,或者即将毕业 AND/OR

  • 你参加了双学分课程,在上大学之前从高中毕业
  • You earned a GED before starting college
Home School Graduate
  • 你已经完成或即将完成你的家庭学校文凭课程
Individual Approval
  • You are 18 years or older AND
  • You do not have a high school diploma or GED AND
  • 你已经被录取和记录部批准了
Dual Credit/ECHS/PTECH
  • 你想要某些高中课程的大学学分 AND
  • You are already enrolled in those courses

Have Attended College

College Transfer, Degree-Seeking
  • You previously attended another college

  • You are seeking a degree
College Transfer, Not degree-seeking
  • You previously attended another college AND
  • You are not seeking a degree
Visiting Student (Transient)
  • You are enrolled at another college or university AND
  • 计划只在澳门新葡京博彩区上课 one semester
Readmission from Prior Semester
  • 你曾就读于一所或多所澳门新葡京博彩 AND
  • 您在过去12个月内没有在任何学院或大学注册



  1. Create an ApplyTexas account at

    Hint: Already have an account? Log in using those credentials.
  1. 填写你的个人资料部分-你只需要这样做一次.

  2. 点击“Start a New Blank Application”,创建一个新的2年制大学入学申请.

  3. 选择你计划开始参加的学期和你的预科专业或专业.

    Hint: 如果你还在选择专业,点击“文科/AA”.’
  1. Fill out the Biographical Information section.

    Hint: This is where you’ll need your Social Security Number.
  1. 填写教育背景部分,加上你所就读的所有学校, including Dual Credit. 你可以通过使用“查找你的高中”按钮来搜索学校.

    Hint: 如果您的学校没有出现,请选择“未找到学校”.’

  2. 记住你在开始之前选择的学生类型? 在教育信息部分,您需要选择您的学生类型.

  3. Next, you’ll fill out the ‘Residency’ section. 这就是你的学费是如何决定的,所以记得仔细阅读每个问题.

  4. 在接下来的部分中,澳门新葡京博彩区有两个问题要你回答:你会参加所有的在线课程吗?你是一名参加“大学连接”计划的高中生吗?

  5. Finally, 您将勾选“信息认证”部分的复选框,以确认您已完成所有操作. Congrats! You’re finished.

    Hint: 如果你看到五彩纸屑,你就完成了你的申请. 写下你的申请身份证号码,以备再次使用.

We hope this guide helped you through the application. If you had any trouble or have additional questions, reach out to your college’s Welcome Center for help.

提示:我们是来帮你解决任何问题的, 但是我们发现很多学生对他们的实习有疑问,所以如果你不确定你应该在这部分回答什么,可以澳门新葡京博彩.


Contact Us

Have questions? We are ready to assist you.

我们的招生教练可以帮助指导您完成澳门新葡京博彩的录取过程,帮助您解决问题或将您推荐给合适的人来帮助您. Get in touch with us today!

Not sure where you want to go?

Contact the Alamo Colleges District team, 我们会引导你到可以帮助你实现目标的大学或项目.


Northeast Lakeview College


Brazos Student Union (STCM 114)

NLC Welcome Center Visit NLC
Northwest Vista College

21ALAMO (210-212-5266)

Desert Willow Welcome Center (DWWC 102)

NVC Welcome Center Visit NVC
Palo Alto College


Rio Grande Building (RGB), room 105A

PAC Welcome Center Visit PAC
St. Philip's College

21ALAMO (210-212-5266)

Welcome Center (WEC 202)

SPC Welcome Center Visit SPC
San Antonio College


Fletcher Administration Building (FAB)

SAC Welcome Center Visit SAC